How to make Video on Pika Labs [Guide]

How to make Video on Pika Labs [Guide]

Learn how to make Pika videos using Pika Labs Discord Bot.


Click/Tap on one of the Generate channel: ⁠#generate-1 … ⁠#generate-10. You cannot use /create command in any other Pika server channels. You can also read the Navigating Pika Labs Discord Server guide.


Main ⁠rule:

  • No NSFW (Not Safe For Work) content in public channels.

Your Prompt, Image attachments and/or Videos Must Not Contain Nudity, Sexual/Porn Content, Violence, Horror or Gore. If any members are creating or attempting to create videos on the Pika Discord Server that are against the rule. The videos will be deleted and the member will timed out from using Pikabot and accessing the server.

Continuing to break the rules will result in a Permanent Ban from Pika Discord Server. If you think you might be creating videos that are NSFW or could upset other members, Please use Pikabot via Direct Message.

Private Generations how to could be found in appropriate section of Pika Labs Discord Guide.

If you find videos that you think are against the rules – please report them to a mod in ⁠support.


In the Chat type:


As you type /create, Discord will search for matching /commands, these will appear above the chat.

Click or Tap on “/create” from the list of commands. This will add /create prompt: to your chat with a field to type in. Type a description of the video you want to create in the prompt field. Remember to add movement words to your video description


Create prompt example:

Golden Labrador Puppy chasing after a ball, running in the grass


You MUST follow this structure to get your prompt working:

/create prompt: description of the video you want to create parameters


/create prompt: Golden Labrador Puppy chasing after a ball, running in the grass -ar 16:9 -motion 2

Video tutorial:

Getting started tutorial. How to name video on Pika Labs.

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