Pika Labs Encrypt Feature

Pika Labs Encrypt Feature

Pika Labs just introduced new “encrypt” feature. You can now encrypt a text message or an image into your video in Pika Discord Bot. You can find detailed guide in Pika Labs Discord Guide article.

Encrypting text using slash command

This command lets you “encrypt” a text message (up to 20 characters) into your video. Here are its inputs:

  • message: The text to encrypt.
  • prompt: Video theme. Previous parameters still apply.
  • image (optional): A reference image for the video theme.
  • font (optional): The font of the encrypted text, from 5 available choices (see figure below).

New optional parameters in prompt specific to /encrypt_text:

  • -w: A weight factor for the encrypted message. A higher value makes the message more visible (range: 0-2, default: 1).
  • -size: Sets the text size (range: 50-100, default: 100).

Encrypting image using slash command

This command lets you “encrypt” an image (e.g., selfie, logo, etc.) into your video. Here are its inputs:

  • message: Attach the image to encrypt.
  • prompt: Video theme. Previous parameters still apply.
  • image (optional): A reference image for the video theme.

New optional parameter in prompt specific to /encrypt_image:

  • -w: A weight factor for the encrypted image. A higher value makes the image more visible (range: 0-2, default: 1).

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