Pika Labs Camera Control

Pika Labs Camera Control

Pika Labs has revolutionized the way we generate videos from text with its innovative AI tool. One of the standout features of this tool is the camera control parameter, which offers a range of movements to enhance the visual appeal of the generated videos. In this article, we’ll delve into the details of how to control the camera movement in Pika Labs.

Camera Movements in Pika Labs

There are three types of camera movements in Pika Labs for now: Zoom, Pan, Rotate.


  • Zoom In: This moves the camera closer to the subject.
  • Zoom Out: This moves the camera away from the subject.


  • Pan Up: Moves the camera upwards.
  • Pan Down: Moves the camera downwards.
  • Pan Left: Shifts the camera to the left.
  • Pan Right: Shifts the camera to the right.
  • Combination Movements: You can combine vertical and horizontal pans, such as “pan left up” or “pan right down”.


  • Clockwise (CW): Rotates the camera in a clockwise direction.
  • Counterclockwise (CCW) or Anti-clockwise (ACW): Rotates the camera in the opposite direction.

The camera’s movement can be adjusted with the -motion XX parameter, which offers a scale from 1 to 4.

Pika has also introduced other enhancements, such as setting the default frame rate (-fps) to 24 fps. It’s important to mention that the “upvotes” channel has been discontinued.

It’s interesting to highlight the terminology difference between “anti-clockwise” used in the UK and “counterclockwise” in the US. This equips users to craft content with more accuracy.

How to create video

Creating videos on Discord using the Pika bot is simple. Users can start the video creation either by directly interacting with the bot or in specific #generate channels. Videos can be crafted from textual cues or images. To add an image, users just need to click beside the inserted tag on “+1” and then select Upload to include it in the creation process.

Available prompt parameters are:

  • -gs xx (guidance scale, which affects the visual quality of the result).
  • -neg “xxx” (negative prompt, indicating elements to exclude from the scene).
  • -hide (conceal prompt).
  • -ar xx:xx (choices for aspect ratios like 16:9, 9:16, 1:1, 4:5).
  • -seed xxx (guarantees uniform creation by assigning a seed number; seed details are present in the saved video’s filename).
  • -motion xx (determines the motion intensity in the produced content, with options from 0 to 4).
  • -fps xx (defines the frame rate).

For those keen on animating pictures, the /animate command is at their disposal and works both with and without prompts (added through +1).

To speed up the creation, the “Repeat” function can be employed. Remember, there’s a cap of 10 creations every 5 minutes. Users can switch locations by tapping on the symbol showing crossing paths.

Important Notes

  • Only one camera movement can be used at a time. For instance, you can’t combine “camera zoom in” with “camera rotate clockwise”.
  • The intensity of the camera movement can be adjusted using the “motion” parameter. The range for this parameter is from 0 to 4. For example, using the “camera zoom in” parameter with a motion value of zero will have a subtle effect, while a motion value of four will result in a more pronounced zoom.

Practical Examples

  1. Zoom with Text-to-Video: Create a clip using the “camera zoom in” parameter to emphasize specific text elements.
  2. Zoom with Images: Examine the zoom in and zoom out features using images to understand the depth and perspective changes.
  3. Pan with Text-to-Video: Use the pan parameter with text-to-video examples to shift the focus across the text. For instance, “pan up”, “pan down”, “pan right up”, and “pan left down”.
  4. Pan with Images: Explore the pan parameter using image-to-video examples. For instance, showcasing the beautiful Mount Fuji with movements like “pan right”, “pan right down”, and “pan left up”.
  5. Rotation: With the camera rotate command, you can rotate images either clockwise or counterclockwise. In the prompt, you can use the full word “clockwise” or the abbreviation “CW”. Similarly, both “counterclockwise” and “anti-clockwise” serve the same purpose, with abbreviations “CCW” and “ACW” respectively.


Pika Labs offers a dynamic way to enhance the visual storytelling of your videos with its camera control feature. Whether you’re zooming into a specific detail, panning across a scenic view, or rotating an image for a dramatic effect, the possibilities are endless. Dive into Pika Labs and experiment with these controls to bring your text to life in the most visually captivating way!

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